Sunday, 24 November 2013

This is how we do.

Do you remember our first lecture ever in university? It was Houseman’s “How to Study Efficiently 101”.  We were promised that by fourth year, we would have our study techniques down pat. Three years later, we’re still alive and truckin’ along… ergo, we must know what we’re doing… right?! Bahareh, Caitlin, Lei, Jerry, Shaq and I sit down to put together our tips and tricks to tackle this looming exam season. We hope you find these helpful! :D

1. Do NOT study. Studying will only tire you out.

2. Your number 1 priority is sleep. Sleep all day all night.

3. Become BFFs with somebody who stress-bakes. WIN-WIN!!

4. Visit your profs before exams. This way you’ll be less of a stranger in the off chance that you need to ask for that one point booster.

5. Repeat #2 with TA's. Nonchalantly yell something along the lines of "You're the best TA, EVER" intermittently in conversation.

6. Always be on FB. One of your course groups could post something important at any moment!

7. Map out your best coffee routes (Mac’s has $1 French Vanilla!)

8. Take a break every hour.

8. Do the altruistic thing and send your best mates some Ryan Gosling “Hey girl, I believe in you” memes.

9. Reward yourself for good and bad grades using... ahem, this part's not publishable.

10. Change up the scenery and study in different spots!

10. Jerk it and twerk it. 

--if you want to get your mind off school—

1. watch TV.

2. throw a party.

3. have a potluck – you don’t want to be hangry during your exam.

4. think about how you’ve been neglecting all your friendships because of studying.  go through all your friends on Facebook and send them a message. Ask them how they are. Suggest meeting up.

5. Christmas is coming so make sure you do your Christmas shopping early before all the good stuff is gone!

And if all else fails… DO IT LIVE!!

But really....

And don’t forget to come up for air every now and again :D Good luck everyone!!! <3

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