Sunday, 28 April 2013

Persian Food

Hi everyone!

Recently my friends and I went out to this Iranian and Afghan Restaurant called Silk Road Kabob House at 1021 Cyrville Road. Close to 40 people attended this event that I organized as a way to end the school year. Overall the food was great and the place was big enough to accomodate everyone. However one thing I suggest  if you are going to this location is to make sure you know how to walk from St. Laurent shopping centre to the restaurant because some people got lost. The restaurant does not stand out much.

I wanted to thank everyone for coming out and I'm happy that everyone got to enjoy my cultures food. What Anita and I suggested everyone to get is the chicken and the beef kabob, it is one of Iran's famous dishes!

Chicken and beef kabob with rice, salad and spicy sauce 
Picture credit goes to Jin Lin

Fiona's first persian meal :)

Evan, Maryline, Caitlin, Nathan, Christopher, Carmen, Kwamaa, Annie

Meshach, Lei, Victor, Luan, Arees, Elisabeth, Yang, Jerry, Wilson, Tiff, Patricia, Will


Luan, Arees, Elisabeth, Michelle, Lei, Anita, Victor, Nick, Meshach, Wilson, Tiff, Patricia

Nick, Yang, Will

Rand, Adina, Anna, Lisa, Dior, Alex, Yesha

Dina, Rangina, Anita, Michelle

The Persians, Anita and Bahareh (me!) 

Yesha, Alex, Tiff, Dior, Adina, Bahareh

Kate and Will. 

Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Amy and Dave who also joined us. 

I hope we can get to do this again!

Until next time,


Cotton Candy Cosmo!

Hey everyone!

Tired of the same old mixed alcoholic drink? Don't know what to do with all the extra cotton candy in your kitchen? Well you've come to the right place! So I recently discovered how to make East Side Mario's famous Cotton Candy Cosmo and I wanted to share it with everyone. It's delicious!

You're going to need:

- Cotton Candy
- Sour Puss Raspberry
- Smirnoff Green Apple
- Cranberry Juice
- Ice
- Cocktail Shaker
- Cocktail/Wine glass

Step 1. Add ice to cocktail shaker glass
Step 2. Add desired amount of Smirnoff green apple
Step 3. Add desired amount of Sour Puss Raspberry
Step 4. Add desired amount of cranberry juice

Step 5. Get shakin'! Make sure to shake this way:

Do not shake the mixture this way (it will spill every where.. oops) :

Step 6. Add cotton candy to cocktail/wine glass

Step 7. Pour cocktail into glass filled with cotton candy

Step 8. Sit down at a table and enjoy the drink with friends and family. Don't forget to take pictures!

Step 9. Make another glass the next morning at 10 am to start off the day right

I hope you guys give it a try. Let me know how it goes!

Until next time,


Monday, 15 April 2013

Please Check Yes or No.

I recently found myself in that all too familiar pseudo-philosophical discussion we've all had countless times. "What are the most desirable qualities you want in a partner?" Putting physical judgements aside (hotness? pfttt.), we settle on things like trustworthiness, confidence, intelligence... aka. the really good stuff. Somehow, the answers, in all their variety, always end up centering on two things: kindness and humour.  And yet. Though we may all agree that finding the "nice and funny guy/gal" is ideal, there is always argument when it comes to which matters more.

Tough one, right? I've realized that the tie-breaker revolves around that age-old question, the classic Would-You-Rather: "Love or Be Loved"? If you pick...

A] Love:
 Pick Funny. "Laughter is a drug" ain't no lie. Hardcore evidence shows that we are drawn to those who can make us hoot and holler. And on those days when it seems like a dark cloud has somehow become your personal hat, Funny is the only person you need to make you smile. Funny has wit, Funny makes you feel better, and Funny makes you feel good.

B] Be loved:
Pick Nice. Beware though, for Nice often doesn't sport Prince Charming's threads. Nice is often subtle, shy, and sometimes socially awkward.  And though Nice might not crack the best jokes, they will sure as heck pretend-snicker at yours. Why? Because Nice is patient, Nice cares, and Nice makes you feel good too.

It's interesting because the answer changes all the time (or is that just me?). But say, in this pseudo-world where complexities are simplified into check boxes, and you could only have it one way or the other, who would you choose? Nice or Funny?
hehe. (ps. if you like cat-lady comics, check out

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Hey there, pretty people!

OH MY, It is LIVE.

All together, we are FIVE. 

Bam. Wicked Haiku. 


We're so excited to start this blog as a collection of our thoughts, ideas, and stories over the next few months. As people start travelling, tending to their summer jobs, and seducing their summer lovers, sometimes things get lost in the midst of all 'em fortunate happenings. This project, then, shall serve as our gold chain for five; May we share in all our happy adventures together.

Thanks for dropping by and don't hesitate to drop us a line! 

*we have pictures! so you know it goin' be good.